Below are the list of Trusted Blog Advertising Sites that Really Pay
Sponsored Reviews is a blog review service that connects advertisers with bloggers willing to write paid posts about their services and products.There's no Threshold limit for this site and they pay you every two weeks. The site has this Bidding System where in you have to bid for an offer and wait until the advertiser approved it. The site has 50/50 system. If you received a 10$ offer, then you'll get 5$ from it. Nevertheless, Sponsored Reviews is one of the well trusted Blog advertising site around.
Buy Blog Reviews have been in the online advertising business since 2000 and have served hundreds of customers worldwide.BBR is almost the same as Sponsored Reviews but their pricing and commission is quite better. BBR is also using the so called Bidding System but the interface of their marketplace is quite complicated and confusing. Don't be surprised to see some offers related to some adult websites. You can simply ignore them and besides, this is a bidding system, it is up to you if you want to bid for that kind of offers or not.
Payu2blog is probably the best paying site ever. They pay well and they are not so demanding with their offers. Each assignment is usually worth $5 with a minimum of 60 words requirement. They pay every two weeks too. You do not have to bid for the assignment or offers here. The system or the admin is the one that provides list of assignments to you every week. They usually give you bunch of offers!You have seven days to complete the assignments. Though they are not accepting blogs with free domains like blogspot or wordpress.
LinkFromBlog is actually one of my favorite sites. Not because they got high offers but because of their fast approval system. Your Article can be approved within 24 hours and then you'll get paid right after the approval. However, you have to meet the 50$ threshold before you can withdraw the money from their site. The site has a bidding system too. They also have this Campaign Alerter that you can download to keep you updated with the latest offers on their site.
InPostLinks is one of the sister sites of IZEA and is the former PayPerPost. Here, you do not have to bid for the offers but you have to compete to other bloggers since this they have first come first serve policy. An opportunity is limited to a certain amount of bloggers so you have to keep yourself updated to their latest offer and reserve the opportunity as faster as you can. The site pays after 30 days of approval. Unlike the former PayPerPost, the site doesn't have high offers unless you got High PR for your blogs.
Social Spark is premium blog marketing site. They provide a marketplace that connects advertisers with bloggers for sponsored blog posts.Social Spark is one of the sister site of IZEA, together with Payperpost, InpostLinks and Sponsored Tweets. Just like the first version Social Spark V2 has a 50 dollar threshold before you can cash out your finances.(Update: you can now cash out your money even if it's less than 50. However, there is a 2$ penalty for it.
PayPerPost is one of my favorite Paying sites before until they changed the whole system. Here, you have to bid for the so called "Leads" and wait until the advertiser approved your offer. You can also negotiate with the price. The site has 50$ threshold but just like the Social Spark, you can withdraw the money less then 50 with 2$ penalty. The site pays after 30 days of approval. The offers here are not so high as well though the tasks that will be given to you are not as demanding as the others.
LinkPost of Linkworth is almost the same as Inpostlinks. It has a First Come First Serve policy and you have to reserve the available opportunity as fast as you can. On their marketplace, you'll see three colors (Red, Yellow and Green) If you see the offers in the red bar, that means you are not qualify for it. Yellow means you have to bid for it and wait until the advertiser approved it. Green means it is available to you. Advertiser can also contact you for some offers. There are so many payment methods here but if you chose Paypal, the minimum threshold is 25$. If you reached the threshold this month, they will pay you the next month.
Blogvertise Is a very interesting site. They will send you your tasks via email and you do not have to compete or bid for the offers.Though your blog should be PR 2 and above to received offers from their advertisers. They pay you 30 days after the approval though sometimes there are some delays. You can also grab a task bag from time to time. Recently, they introduced their Facebook App but they are currently on the experimental stage of it so no assurance yet if you can earn a lot from it.
LoudLauch. I can say that LoudLaunch is one of the most demanding blog advertising sites because you have to undergo so many process before you get paid. First, you have to accept the available campaigns for you blog. You will be given two days to submit your article. You do not have to post the article on your blog yet. You have to submit it directly to them. Their editors will correct all your mistakes and revise your sentences too to make it look better. You can be rejected by their editors if you commit a lot of mistakes. After being approved by their editors, they will send you the article via email and that's the time that you have to post it in your blog. Then after that, you have to submit the permanent URL to their site and let the advertiser review your work. You can be rejected by the advertisers too if they don't like your work. Payments are kinda delay and i'm not really sure about the time frame. But they will still pay you no matter what.
Blog4Reviews is a very first Blog Advertising sites for pinoys. All the opportunities offered here are related to some businesses here in our country. I am not that active here but you can see the list of opportunities in their marketplace. They pay you after 30 days of approval. Sometime, they will contact you via email for some special and limited offers. Looks weird but their interface is almost the same as the interface of PayingPost or Blog Advertising Store (A Scam Site), but i assure you that their site is not a scam. You'll get paid on time. I have done several opportunities here.
NEW BloggingAds. BloggingAds is one of the sites i discovered recently. I only got one offer so far but i got paid already. Well first, you have to register an account. After being verified, you can now submit your blog for approval. I think they only approve blogs that has PR 2 and above. Then after being approved, you can now check your dashboard from time to time to see if there are ads available to you. You just have to post it in your blog and submit the URL in their site.
The approval of your articles usually takes 2-3 weeks and they will pay you within that month as well.
NEW MicroWorkers Unlike other blog advertising sites, you'll get paid here by doing what so-called microjobs. All you have to do is to sign up an account and start browsing micro jobs. These jobs may ask you to
Sign up an account, Click or search ads, bookmark a website, Watch and rate Youtube, Like Facebook account, Tweet, Vote and Rate, Yahoo answers, comment on a blog or a forum, Write a review, add link to your blog roll and a whole lot more.
Just select the jobs that you like, finish the tasks and submit the proof or requirements. You will received $1.00 Sign up bonus too.For Payment, the site has a minimum of $9 threshold limit before you can cash out your money. However, on your first payment, A mail will be sent to you first which contains your pin number. Mine took almost 3 weeks before the mail arrived.Now after you entered the pin number on their site, you can now cash out the money to your paypal account. Take note, the pin will be sent once! After you enter the pin number on their site, you can now withdraw anytime and the money will be sent directly to your paypal account.
To be Revealed Soon
To be Revealed Soon